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1. Initial Background

1. Initial Background

Background detail of LaCloche Range on George Lake - early Fall. Blocking and preserving foreground trees prior to painting and misting background.

2. Frisket Applied

2. Frisket Applied

Blocking key areas on the rock before applying underpainting and foreground trees. Frisket and rough sketch outlines applied as constant "to do" reminders throughout the painting.

3. Mist and Foreground

3. Mist and Foreground

Misting background. Detail foreground trees. Rocks have begun to take shape. Emphasized key crevices and rocks to be detailed.

4. Shaping of Foreground Rocks

4. Shaping of Foreground Rocks

Foreground and rock blocking applied. Reshaped crevices/lines to form curvature. Values corrected, highlights and crevices enhanced.

5. Foreground Trees Enhanced

5. Foreground Trees Enhanced

Additional emphasis on backlighting between trees. Further detail applied on trees and rocks.

6. Water begun

6. Water begun

Rocks near completion. Progressing towards waterline.

7. Closer view

7. Closer view

Glazing applied.

8. Further enhancements

8. Further enhancements

Crevices enhanced.

9. Water highlights

9. Water highlights

Water flow and direction laid out. Increase water detail to flow lines and waterline. Body of water on right needs further detail work prior to adding geese.

Preparation for final stage

Preparation for final stage

Newly reworked water detail on lower left portion. Remaining water to be completed next. After which the addition of birdlife will be added.

"A Canadian Morning" near completion

"A Canadian Morning" near completion

The piece is signed for presentation, however there are several areas that still need to be enhanced, detailed and final glazing applied, before the printing process.

© 2019 by Barb Kopeschny  - All rights reserved.   

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