Available Original Paintings
Available and Sold Original artwork are listed on this page.

Tranquil Shores
15 x 41
Original Painting
During an autumn morning hiking excursion, I found an opening on the trail. What luck to spot a Great Blue Heron quietly fishing in this perfect setting. I was intrigued by the smooth granite beach and the sun kissed golden tamaracks that made this tranquil shoreline a perfect scene for a Great Blue Heron!

Morning Spirit
12 x 32
Original Painting Available
Morning Spirit is a landmark painting for the city of Barrie. The extreme fine detail in this painting of a unique perspective of Barrie has captured the city in a very positive, attractive way. The warmth of the early morning sun, glows on the east side of all the buildings and trees, which reflect on the calm waters of Kempenfelt Bay.

Granite Passage
16 x 21
Original Painting
I can't think of a more exciting way to spend an unusually warm October day than canoeing on George Lake. Pink granite cliffs, earthy scents and the sound of the water on my paddle, sets a peaceful canvas of tranquility. A kaleidoscope of colours in this autumn landscape painting is the ideal setting for a pair of Canada Geese on their long journey south!

Silent Repose - Snowy Owl
Original Painting
Snowy Owls are the Provincial bird of Quebec where sightings are more common. I am not superstitious, but I consider it "lucky" to anyone who has spotted one. A farmer's field provides a nourishing stopover for this snowy owl during her common winter sojourn in southern Canada. Adult males are virtually pure white, females (and young) have dark scalloping as shown in my painting. Most owls sleep during the day and hunt at night, but the snowy owl is active both day and night.

Sweet Surprise - Ruby Throated Hummingbird (10" x 10.5")
Original Painting

Northern Solitude - Loon
18 x 29
Original Painting
A recent canoe experience in Killarney Park one late summer afternoon was one of breathtaking beauty. I lay my paddle across my lap and floated along quietly for some time. The mesmerizing shoreline, surrounded by great white quartzite cliffs and glistening reflections left me feeling in spirit, and of inner peace and calmness. This was my inspiration for this piece.

Morning Watch - Heron
20 x 29
Original Painting
On a warm August morning hike along the water's edge, I found luck on my side. He caught my eye; I immediately stopped to admire this beautiful Great Blue Heron perched on a stump behind the granite rock, motionless with anticipation. My heart skipped a beat with excitement when he stretched his graceful neck and in a lightning speed strike caught a luckless fish! Seconds later he resumes his "morning watch" pose, and I beam at the sight of this marvellous creature!.

Autumn Light - Merganser
13 x 23
Original Painting
Breezy autumn days are ideal to delight in one of the best seasons nature presents. The colour intensity and light dancing on the water offers a feast for my eyes. Autumn also provides a feast for this merganser which I found entertaining to observe from my canoe. Navigating effortlessly with her head in the water scouting around until she spotted her meal. In a flash she submerged with her catch and continued on again in pursuit of her next morsel. A collector of my paintings has aptly named it "The Stalker" and I too find it is suitable, depicting the character of this brilliant bird.

Hunter's Flight - Red Tail
28 x 31
Original Painting
This painting isn't about a blistery, rock cliff, but about urging the viewer to feel the excitement in sighting a Red Tail hawk soaring past, rising up through a familiar corridor. I like to think it might be anticipating an early spring and seeking companion in heading towards the treed horizon.

Springtime Treasures Chipmunk
Original Painting
I look forward to early morning nature hikes near my home - (in all seasons), where I find the variety of woodland flora and wildlife inspiration abound. I was drawn into the play of light and shadow cast on the textured tree bark and Wild Columbine leaves. This moment presented a powerful and creative appeal to me; from out of nowhere, I heard the hum of a fleeting Ruby-Throated hummingbird zip towards the Wild Columbines. Needless to say, it was a sweet surprise for both of us!

On The Edge - African Penguin
Original Painting Available
My inspiration for the painting “On The Edge - African Penguins", resulted from an awareness that the African Penguins have moved from a Threatened Species to the Endangered Species List in September of 2010. I was excited to learn that the Metro Toronto Zoo acquired the new residents this year. I am truly hopeful we can protect these charming African Penguins from their population decline by stopping all the issues and supporting the causes working to save them.
At first sign of spring as the sun warms the granite rock, a sweet chipmunk is tucked amongst dried oak leaves and forest floor, snacking on teaberries and wintergreen foliage before darting back to cover.

In The Pink
Original Painting Available
In a fleeting moment a Rufous Hummingbird merrily danced towards the pink Victorian roses (of Vancouver Island) as if it were proud of his flight skills. I knew this moment was too special to risk fumbling for my camera. I strived to recreate this scene in my painting - the beauty of the sunlit roses and the special light of day.

A King's Realm
Original Painting
The nearby call of a Kingfisher compelled me to search, the rareness of such proximity exciting! I found him, perched on his favorite fishing spot, ready to swoop into flight. A King in his realm, discovered in a perfect scene of backlit autumn colours.

A Canadian Morning
Original Painting
As the sight and sound of approaching geese lifts my gaze, I am reminded of the honour and privilege it is to regard nature - and in this moment my spirit flies above the landscape that surround me. A wondrous privilege and a moment to honour the beauty of A Canadian Morning!

Shoreline Flight - Heron
20 x 36
NEW! Original Painting Available

coming soon!
We share this world, its water, its rock, even the air and wind. To know this is the gift of wild places. But to witness this truth in such a moment is to experience the folds of time. An ancient reality overtook my paddle's quiet stroke that evening, touching me deeply - revealing the mysterious realm where the Great Blue Heron remains its fragile master.
© 2019 by Barb Kopeschny - All rights reserved.